The Orange Mega Charizard Y Pokemon X and Y Figure

Did you know Charizard is the version mascot of Pokémon Red and FireRed Versions? And this a The Orange Mega Charizard Y Pokemon X and Y Figure.

When Mega Evolved as Mega Charizard Y, this Pokémon becomes more sleek and expansive in appearance, but retains its normal coloration. However, it now has white pupils. It has three pointed horns on the back of its head, the middle of which is longer. Its shorter snout has larger fangs and a ridge on the nose.

Its neck is shorter and its hands are much smaller, but its torso and legs are longer. Small wings develop on its wrists, while the ones on its back become larger and now have ragged edges. The back of its tail has a large thorn at the base and three smaller ones near the tip, which now burns with a longer flame. Mega Charizard Y is said to have incredible flying prowess, being able to reach incredible heights.

Charizard first appeared in Island of the Giant Pokémon, but it was actually a robot.  A real Charizard made its debut in a flashback in Primeape Goes Bananas.  When James was in the Pokémon League Entrance Exam in The Ultimate Test, he used a Charizard that he eventually tried to steal.

So, for fans of Pokemon anime don't miss this The Orange Mega Charizard Y Pokemon X and Y Figure for your collection.